For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

1. Click on the Flights button.

For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

2. Click the Only Me button and select Our Team from the options. This will allow you to view all data on all your users and all the Flight Plans.

For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

3. Click on the Last 3 Months button if you desire to select an option for a shorter time frame.

For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

4. The Flight Activity graph displays a bar chart detailing the number of completed task events on the Y axis (i.e., number of individual emails, phone calls, and to-do items). The X axis will display data for the time period selected (days or months) in the previous step.

For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

5. Scrolling down beneath the overall Flight Activity graph, you'll see a listing of Flight Plan names and information about each one. 

The Flight Plan names are displayed alphabetically in the far left column. The column headings denote the type of data available for review. 

They include the number of leads/contacts in a Flight, number of Emails Sent, Calls Made, To-Do items, Positive Outcomes, and Negative Outcomes.

For example, the Flight Plan named Communications with Signature had 23 total emails sent over the last 3 months. There was only one Positive outcome and seven Negative outcomes. This type of information is critical to discovering the Flight Plans that are performing well and those that aren't. Altering the steps of low performing Flight Plans or omitting them are possible remediation steps.

For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

6. If you wish to view the steps of a given Flight Plan, hover over the Eye icon at the far right of each row. A pop-up window will display the steps, time periods between them, and the default Outcome chosen for the Flight Plan when there's no response from a lead/contact.

For Admins: Where can I view detailed information about each Flight Plan?

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