A Top 20 Global Asset Management Firm Eliminates Performance Issues & Gives Their Advisors Speed

5000 advisors can now rely on one solution that is simple, smart, and seamless with client information always at their fingertips, automation that increases productivity, and the superior experience that clients expect.

A meeting booking process that removes friction in the scheduling process for an optimal client experience.

Syncing of Salesforce records is easier to manage and Cirrus Insight eliminates unnecessary administration to maintain strong data integrity.

Advisors can spend their time focused on the client experience and getting referrals for new business.

Top 20 Financial Firm Takes Their Technology From Legacy To Legendary

A Top 20 Global Asset Management Firm began implementing Salesforce in 2015 with a 3- year plan to replace several legacy, homegrown customer management systems. Over the next 2 years, a Salesforce implementation was completed in their workforce of over 5000 financial advisors and their support staff.  As part of their Salesforce implementation, Salesforce for Outlook was the link between email communications and the CRM for Salesforce productivity but lacked breadth and performance.  The organization quickly began to evaluate smarter sales enablement technologies which could also enhance the customer experience and capture more customer relationship history.

Today Cirrus Insight is now standardized across the advisor organization.   

The firm places the highest value on its customer experience, lasting relationships, and advisor productivity.  Like most others workforces, advisors need solutions which are simple and intuitive.  The technologies they use need to be seamless and smart.  The firm’s CRM leadership team identified this as an opportunity to select a more holistic solution which could consolidate many of their requirements with one solution that is simple for advisors, seamless for IT and provides a smarter, more elegant customer experience.

Before Cirrus Insight

IT struggled to support Salesforce for Outlook as it was desktop software which had to be installed and continuously updated across 1000’s of devices.  Helpdesk tickets were growing and advisors became frustrated as they continuously had to work in multiple systems to document and update customer interactions and opportunities.

Worse, advisors were actually losing productivity due to performance issues.  The organization was struggling to get beyond the basic blocking and tackling of customer relationship management in order to recognize the individual and organizational value and return they expected for their investment.

  • Outlook Desktop Performance Issues
  • IT Helpdesk Tickets Unmanageable and Causing Strain On The Helpdesk Ability To Service  Users Needs.
  • Advisor Productivity Down vs Up
  • Customer Information Gaps Were Causing A Lack of Customer History for compliance and continuity
  • Need for A Faster, Better Customer Experience with Booking Appointments and Annual Reviews

After Cirrus Insight

With Cirrus Insight the entire organization can use one solution and have one user experience all across all of their devices and users. Advisors can now focus on facetime with their clients and IT can focus on more high-level projects that keep the organization's technology up and running smoothly.

Advisors can now get back to doing what they love, helping clients and forming lasting relationships without the burden of unreliable technology and unmeaningful tasks.

  • Cirrus Insight eliminates performance issues and gives advisors speed
  • Cirrus Insight eliminates friction between the business and IT
  • Advisors have more time with customers and spend less time fighting with technology and clerical tasks in Salesforce
  • Customer records and complete and accurate for better service, compliance and continuity
  • Happy customers with more new appointments booked and increased opportunity pipeline. Automation for booking client annual reviews

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