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101 Sales Email Templates You Can Use to Close More Deals

Smart salespeople aren’t blind to this well-known fact: during the prospecting sales stage, email is one of the most effective ways to connect with your potential customers.
If you'd like to join them, we'll make it easy for you.

We've put together a collection of 100+ sales email templates and examples that you can use to close more deals. Use these sales email templates as inspiration

These email templates aren’t ready to use as is by any means — especially when you consider the importance of personalization and the rise of account-based sales and marketing programs.

Your biggest successes will come when you study these examples, make them relevant to your business, and turn them into your own.

Are you ready? Let’s do this.
You might be interested.

Note: If you send out documents (presentations, proposals) as part of your sales process, join thousands of salespeople who send and track documents.

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Cold Email Templates

{Company Name} + {Your Company}

Hi {name},

My name is {name} with {Your Company}.

We help {specific company type} with {one liner}.

I wanted to learn how you handle {thing your company handles} at {Company Name} and show you what we're working on.

Are you available for a brief call at {time options}.

How to Export [company] Prospects from professional social networks and into your CRM


I'd like to discuss your lead gen efforts.

We're helping other [industry] companies collect their prospects straight from professional social networks and import them directly into their CRM (adding phone numbers and email addresses).

Quick question: can you put me in touch with whoever is responsible for new prospecting and revenue­ generating tools at {company}?

Hi {name},

{myName} from {myCompany} here.

Companies make more sales with consistent marketing. {myCompany} can put proven sales tools into the hands of everyone who sells your product.

If that sound useful, I can explain how it works.

Hi {name},

I’m trying to figure out who is in charge of [leading general statement] there at {company}.

Would you mind pointing me towards the right person please, and the best way I might get in touch with them?

Hello {name},

What would it mean to your top-line revenue if you saw a 70% increase in contact rates, 50% improvement in closes, and 40% increase in quota-hitting sales reps?

Let’s find a few minutes to talk about how is providing these results to our clients.

I’m available tomorrow {insert 2 times you’re available}. Can we sync up?

Hi {name},

I hope this note finds you well.

I’ve been working for a company called {my company} that specializes in X, Y and Z. In thinking about your role at {company}, I thought there might be a good fit for your group.

Our {product name} has garnered a lot of attention in the marketplace and I think it’s something that your organization might see immediate value in.

Can you help me get in contact with the right decision-maker?

Looking for best [insert job area where you’d like to start] contact


I am doing some research on your company to determine if there is (or is not) a need for [insert your strongest pain point].

Could you please help me by pointing me to the best person there for a brief discussion? {name},

I am doing some research on your company to determine if there is (or is not) a need for [insert your strongest pain point].

Could you please help me by pointing me to the best person there for a brief discussion?

Where shall I start?


I’m hoping you can help me, who handles the [insert pain point here] decisions at {company} and how might I get in touch with them?

[theircompanyname] and [yourcompanyname]

Hi {name},

My name is {name} with {Your Company}.

We help {specific company type} with {one liner}.

I wanted to learn how you handle {thing your company handles} at {Company Name} and show you what we're working on.

Are you available for a brief call at {time options}.

Appropriate person


We have a service that will help you [insert quick one-liner about the value your service delivers].

Would you guide me to the person responsible for [insert the relevant department or task your service empowers — “marketing, sales, pipeline building”] and let me know how I might get in touch with them?


We have a service that will help you [insert quick one-liner about the value your service delivers] and have helped similar businesses achieve XYZ results.

What’s the best day/time this week or next for a quick 15-minute conversation?

Looking for an Accountant

I was wondering if you were looking for more business customers?

I know the majority of small businesses are always looking for a great accountant and I'd be able to generate leads for you if this is something you're interested in.

Are there any types of businesses in particular that make good clients for you?


P.S. If you aren't the right person to contact about this, please let me know

10 x {company} [result] in ten minutes?

Hello {name},

I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get {company} it’s next [100 best clients].

I recently used this idea to help our client {competitor} almost triple their monthly run rate.

{name}, Let’s schedule a 10 minute call so I can explain. When works best for you?

Hi {name},

This is {salesrep} with RJMetrics. I just took a quick look at your site and noticed that {company} looks similar to many of the SaaS clients that we help every day.

I’m sure you’re already thinking about engagement metrics and ROI by acquisition source, but I’d love to get a sense of how you’re uncovering that data and share some insights we’ve learned along the way towards understanding the story behind your business.

If I’ve got the right person, can we connect in the next few days? If not, who would you recommend I speak with?

Appropriate Person?

Hi {name},

This is SDR with RJMetrics. Wanted to introduce myself, as {company}'s sales development platform looks similar to many of the businesses we work with everyday.

While I've got your attention, we'd love it if you guys gave RJMetrics a spin. Our clients are using us to do things like optimizing customer acquisition spend, understand drivers of CLV, and standardize reporting of KPIs across internal teams and investors.

I’m assuming you’re the best person for this - If not, who would you recommend I speak with?

Bookkeeping sucks, let us handle it.


Bookkeeping sucks, and you have a business to run. You created CompanyName out of a passion to do something great, unique, and game-changing. Not to spend your limitless talents and limited time on day-to-day bookkeeping tasks. AcuityComplete’s bookkeeping professionals want you to focus your time and efforts on growing CompanyName into an empire; not worrying about whether your books are reconciled correctly.

If your core business competency isn’t bookkeeping, let’s talk. I’d love to find out more about CompanyName and how we can help eliminate this headache for you.

Do you have any current issues that we can help answer?

Appropriate person

Hi {name},

I am writing in hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles multicultural media. I also wrote to Person x, Person Y and Person Z in that pursuit. If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks?

VoodooVox helps increase the revenues of Fortune 500 companies by marketing to Hispanics. Each month we reach 25 million Spanish speakers with an audio message they must hear. We insert 30-second audio and SMS advertisements into phone calls made on calling cards. The benefit to users is they make their call free. The benefit for our clients is they can increase store revenue by providing text message coupons. Typical redemption is 3%. You can measure results online and with store sales. Advertisements can target specific ethnic groups and geographies. Some clients include Burger King, P&G, and Chili's.

If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like? If not, who do you recommend I talk to?

Hi {name},

I am writing in hopes of finding the appropriate person who handles online advertising? I also wrote to Quinn XXXX, Kristy XXXX and Rob XXXX in that pursuit. If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks?

AroundYou helps increase the revenues and exposure of local companies by marketing directly to targeted and local traffic. Each month we reach over 240,000 Australians thru our site by profiling events, activities, and things to do. We profile companies thru our featured listings, iPhone App, and targeted Google advertising. The benefit to users is that they can search their area free. The benefit for our clients is they can increase revenue and exposure by utilizing the featured listings and targeted traffic. You can measure results and statistics online. Your listing will target specific suburbs and postcodes. Some clients include The Herald Sun, Leader Community Newspapers, The State Theatre and The Art Gallery of NSW.

If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like? If not, who do you recommend I talk to?

I am doing some research on ________ to determine if there is a need for KISSmetrics’ person-based web analytics platform. Could you please help by pointing me to the appropriate person there that may have an interest in a brief discussion?

For context – here is a short infographic introducing you to KISSmetrics.


In advance, thank you for your help.

Researched Outreach Email Templates

Looks like we have plenty of things in common...

Hey {name}, Here are some commonalities between Yesware and TOPO:

  • Twilio is a customer (and also an integration partner now powering our click-to-call feature)
  • We are a ISV partner, and it looks like is a client of yours
  • Our Director of Sales, Mike Maylon is on the speaker's list at the Saleshacker conference. He also used to work at Netsuite, another client of yours

Most importantly, we're focused on driving results. Customers like Twitter, Acquia, and The Financial Times have seen a 25% growth in new business using our product. Customers choose our sales technology to accelerate their sales efforts.

Let's explore how we can work together to help your customers share the same experience our customers have had since using Yesware. I can also share with you some more customer success stories and why our market-leading product is chosen by high-growth sales teams.

When is the best time for you to connect? I would be more than happy to facilitate an introduction to Mike if that's preferred by you.


P.s.: it looks like your session title is TBD. If there is any data/information I can help provide you to strengthen your presentation, please let me know.

Introduction: {Your first name} <> {Prospect's first name}

Hi {Prospect's first name},

I recently came across {blog post title} that you/your company wrote/shared/posted on {social media platform}. {Topic of blog post} seems like an interest that we share. In fact, {one sentence comment on/reaction to blog post}.

I work for {your company} and we {your company's value proposition}. {Referral} recommended I reach out to you with ideas on how to solve [problem your product addresses]. I'd love to get some time on your calendar to discuss these ideas and {topic of blog post}. Are you available for a 10/30/60 minute call on {date}?

I look forward to talking soon.

Question about upcoming product launch


I read in the WSJ yesterday that you're expecting to receive FDA approval for a new ulcerative colitis drug in the next few months. When that finally does happen, you're going to want to get it into the market quickly. We recently helped another pharma company slash their packaging delivery time from 18 days down to just four days.

You can read how we did it at Packo.

A few other experiments you can run to grow your email list

Hey {name},

Been a huge fan of your site since it first went up. Noticed you've been running several experiments to grow your email lists.

Here are a few lesser-used strategies that drive explosive growth:

- Members only bonus area: You offer a lot of juicy bonuses to entice new signups. There doesn't seem to be a way for existing members to also receive them right now. Think creating a members-only bonus area where existing subscribers can go to download your latest goodies would go long ways to build their long-term loyalty.- Behavior settings on your opt-in box: Noticed your opt-in box still pops up for people who already subscribed. You can use a much longer-lasting cookie to stop it from annoying your existing subscribers.

I've been coding for the last several years with a focus on building viral growth engines. I recently coded all the backend for RoyalSee's pre-launch campaign: [link]. They got 10K signups in 2 weeks.

Happy to lend a hand with future projects - let me know what you think.

New partnership?


You did an excellent job speaking at the recent 21st Century B2B Culture event - you have great understanding of social business. Do you see social business working being effective in B2C?

I had a few ideas on how it could work in B2C that are related to your recent book (which I read). I help B2C SMBs use the internet to bring their business to the national market.

What’s the easiest way to get 10 minutes on your calendar Thursday to share how our market expertise can be mutually beneficial?

Hi {name}, I noticed you guys don't have a commenting widget on your site. It's actually something my company Wigeto provides e-magazines for free to boost engagement. When you have a few minutes, I'd love to talk to you or the appropriate person about taking care of that.

I noticed on your website that XYZ is a customer. Congrats on getting traction with such an established brand, which is undeniably no small feat for an early-stage startup. I know from speaking with other founders that many, if not all, find it challenging to developing a repeatable selling process in a way that feels natural, comfortable, and authentic without sounding “salesy”. The impact – inaction. Lack of a predictable pipeline and sales. In the past year, we’ve worked with companies like ABC and def to help them close more deals in less time without selling their soul and was thinking we might be able to help XYZ in this area as well.

I’m not sure if this is a fit for you folks, but if you’d like to learn more would you be open to carving out some time to explore?

Alternate ending: If you’d like I can send you a 2 minute demo so you can evaluate.

{name}, is your marketing automation tool working for you?

Hi {name}, I understand you may currently be using Pardot as a marketing tool, and I was wondering if you’re experiencing any difficulty with it. Pardot users often find that they need a more scalable solution as their business grows, and as a result, we’ve seen many customers switch to Marketo in recent months. These customers see immediate increases of 30-100% in productivity and a dramatic increase in leads – purely because they get much more capability in an easier-to-use package.

Why are Pardot users switching? Marketo removes the limitations that held them back – some of the major benefits that these customers have experienced with Marketo include: A much more productive, intuitive, and flexible interface for creating marketing campaigns (ranked #1 for user experience by independent analysts) Ability to quickly report on pipeline, revenue, and ROI by a marketing campaign or channel Flexible lead scoring – which includes scoring models by product line or division, and automatic score reductions when your leads are inactive Drastically improved ability to leverage lead intelligence solutions inside your CRM For a limited time, we are also offering special pricing packages to make switching incredibly easy and attractive.

Please reply to this email or click here if you’d like to set up a time to talk about whether Marketo makes sense for your business. Or, learn more here.

Question about company plan to expand


I just read your interview in Mark-It News where you mentioned your company's plans to expand your franchise operations by 35%.In the past year, we've worked with three other franchisors to drive significant traffic to their newly opened locations. On a comparative basis, same-store sales in the three months were up between 17 – 23% over previous launches.

Would you be interested in learning how we did this? I’m available next Thursday, May 6th. Give me a time, and I’ll give you the details.

Referral Outreach Sales Email Templates

Terry Fisher says you’re interested in better lead gen strategies


Terry Fisher told me today that you two were talking about how tough it is these days to get new leads in the door. It's a big issue that all consulting companies face right now.

After looking at your website and registering for your white paper, I have some thoughts regarding where you may be losing people in the process. And, I've got some ideas you can implement fairly easily that should have a positive impact on lead conversion rates.

Let’s schedule 30 minutes to talk some more about this.

LinkedIn Outreach InMail Templates

(when connecting)

I would love to connect with you at some point and learn more about Converto.

Would be great to have a conversation around the websites we crawl that are adding and dropping your competitors like Adometry.


Hi Ravi,

The article you shared on LinkedIn yesterday addresses a challenge that I've heard two sales directions mention this week. Your unique perspective would be beneficial for them to hear.

We help sales execs improve their reps success with a similar approach. Do you have 5 mins to speak on Wednesday or Thursday afternoon this week?


Hi {name},

I was looking to get introduced to Johnny Dealmaker from Project X and saw you were connected to him. Not sure how well you’re connected to him, but if the relationship is strong, I’d really appreciate an intro to chat about ways to work with my Project Y.

Please let me know if you feel comfortable doing this and I’ll forward over a proper request for introduction that you can forward to him.

Hey {name},

Was hoping that you might be able to introduce me to Johnny Dealmaker at Project X?

I wanted to connect with him because our email list targets a similar demographic with limited overlap. Seeing as our products are non-competitive, I wanted to touch base to see if he was up for brainstorming ways to leverage our existing user bases to grow both of our lists.

We did this with Company R in the past, and both parties received a 15% lift in new subscribers.

Any help is much appreciated.

Follow Up Sales Templates

First Follow Up

Re: [same subject]

{name}, is the below of any interest to you?

Hi {name},

I didn't hear back from you last week when I was looking for the appropriate person to manage your [statement]. That's not a problem.

If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks. If not, who is the appropriate person?

5 Ideas for Starbucks using Twilio

Hi {name}, After sending my last email, I got really excited and wanted to share some ideas I had on how Starbucks could leverage Twilio:

  • Mobile app distribution - reduce friction by allowing your website visitors to download your mobile app by texting the download link to their phone. Our technology intelligently detects whether a phone is on iOS or Android OS and sends them to the right app store.
  • Picture message a coupon to your customers on their birthday. Why tell them how good a frap will be when you can show them the gooey ribbons of caramel?
  • New VIP service: text your order in to your local Starbucks. Get your favorite thirst quencher sooner.
  • Picture message Starbucks coupons w/QR codes to your friends on special occasions.
  • Leverage geo-location services to MMS special deals to customers when they are in close vicinity to a Starbucks.

The possibilities are really endless.

I'd love to chat with you further about how other companies are using us, as well as chat more about how we can help foster Starbucks' future innovative ventures.

What's the best way for me to get 15 minutes on your calendar?

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I just wanted to circle back on my email below re: getting you a comments widget for your site. Are you free for a quick call on Monday or Tuesday?Across similar size partners, we’re seeing an average increase of 1 minute on site with the addition of our widget.

Hey {name}, how is it going? Can we schedule a time to talk this week?

Follow up to a first conversation

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I really enjoyed our phone conversation [or meeting] earlier today and especially liked learning about your unique role at {company}. I understand the challenges you are facing with [challenges discussed] and the impact they are having on [insert personal impact].

As promised, I have attached [or linked to] the resources and materials that can help you better understand how we can help you solve [insert compelling reason to buy].

Please let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, I look forward to talking with you again on [date and time].

{MyCompany} Call Summary

Great speaking with you today, {name}! I'm glad we agree {MyCompany} would be a great fit for your team. Here are the top value adds we went over:


Resources for Review:

Action Items:
{Special}P.S. {Special} — use this opportunity to link to case studies or third-party content your prospect may enjoy

Second Follow Up Sales Templates

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

Have you come across the “Information Security Community?”Check the group out: [link to Linkedin Group]

From our last discussion, this group looks to be filled with your target prospects that could ensure you reach your Q4 sales target. Some of the challenges expressed in the group are problems your team helps solve.

What’s the best way to get on your calendar for 15 tomorrow? I’ll show you the playbook on how to drive revenue from this group.

Hi {name},

I have tried to get in touch with you to see if there is a mutual fit between our companies expertise and your goals around [statement].

If you are not interested or there is another person you would like me to follow up with, please let me know.

Would it make sense to invest 5-10 minutes to determine if there is a mutual fit between your [statement] and our expertise?

If not, who do you recommend I talk to?

[competitor X and Y]

Hi {name},

Just wanted to send you an example of how we’re working with [competitor X and Y] to deliver this solution. Check it out here [link to example].

So far feedback has been extremely positive. Would love to get you guys up and running too when you have a few minutes.

Re: [same subject]

Drop me a note if you caught the email below {name}; I know you're a busy man!

I'd love to talk a little bit more about {mycompany}, yourself, and any ways in which we can be collaborating. A phone call / Skype would be a pleasure.

Hope you had an excellent weekend,

Hey {name}, we got some new press coverage [link]. I’d love to pick up on our conversation. When’s a good time to chat?

Next step?

{name}, I'm writing to follow up. I'm not sure what our next step is.Let me know what makes sense as a next step, if any?

Thanks for your input.

Third Follow Up Sales Templates

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I first want to apologize that we haven’t been able to connect recently. I feel like somewhere along the way I must have made it difficult to communicate or dropped the ball because for a while there it seemed like you guys were really excited about our offering. Apologies if this was the case.

I just want to open back the communication lines and let you know that I know you have a lot on your plate and if this is something that is no longer a priority, that’s totally cool – in fact as a startup, I completely understand! If nothing else, I’d enjoy the opportunity to hear what’s new on your end and maybe even get some feedback on how we can improve our offering.

Let me know if you have a few minutes next week to hop on a call.

Drop me a note if you caught this {name}. Would love to chat some more about your sales / provide any assistance I can there. Discussing your plans for [your area of expertise] (even if it's just advice I can pass on!) would be great too.

Hope you're having an excellent start to the week.

Hey {name}, can we hop on a quick call Wednesday 4pm or Thursday 11am?


PS: thought you might find this article interesting [link]


When we spoke, I thought that I understood _______, but you haven't responded. Did I misunderstand or has something changed?

After a Voicemail

Sorry I missed you

Hi {name},

Sorry I missed you on the phone today. I was calling because [explain your purpose].

My voicemail said I will try you again on [date and time] and you can always reach me before at [phone number].

Just Tried Your Line


I just tried giving you a call and left a voicemail. [call to action].Please give me a call back at {XXX-XXX-XXXX}, or send me a note if you get the chance.

Thank you!

Break Up Sales Templates

Re: {same subject}

Hey {name},

Haven't heard back from you. Thank you for the opportunity. Can I put it on hold for now?

Thanks from {company}

{name} - I wanted to reach out to you one more time regarding _______. If I don't hear back from you, I’ll assume that the timing isn’t right and I won’t contact you again.

If I can be of assistance, you can always contact me at the number below.

Permission to close your file?


We are in the process of closing files for the month. Typically when I haven’t heard back from someone it means they’re either really busy or aren’t interested. If you aren’t interested, do I have your permission to close your file?If you’re still interested, what do you recommend as a next step?

Thanks for your help.

Thanks from [company]

Hi {name},

I know we haven’t been able to connect, which usually means one of two things: Either the timing may not be right or you no longer have a need.

In either case, I want to respect your time so I’m going to go ahead and close your file.

Otherwise, if you would still like to talk, please call me to discuss next steps.

Thanks again.

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I’ve reached out a few times regarding your sales prospecting strategies there at {company}. My guess is that we’re out of touch for one of three reasons:
- You don’t see a fit
- You have another solution to create predictable outbound prospecting numbers
- You are secretly a superhero and have been too busy fighting crime to reply

If any of these are correct then they may be the exact reason why we should talk now…

Are you ok?


I reached out previously regarding {what you do} and haven't heard back from you yet.This tells me a few things:
• You're being chased by a T-rex and haven't had time to respond.
• You're interested but haven't had time to respond.
• You aren't interested.Whichever one it is, please let us know as we're getting worried!

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I’ve tried to reach you a few times to go over suggestion on improving ___, but haven’t heard back which tells me one of three things:
1)  You’re all set with ____ and I should stop bothering you.
2)  You’re still interested but haven’t had the time to get back to met yet.
3)  You’ve fallen and can’t get up and in that case let me know and I’ll call someone to help you...Please let me know which one as I’m starting to worry!

Should I stay or should I go?

Hi {name},

I know you’re busy. Just give me a 1, 2, or 3 —

1. We’ll pass on partnering with EVENT NAME this year, thanks for the offer!

2. We’re interested in the event, but it’s not a good time, reach back out to me in 1 month.

3. I’m interested — let’s talk!


Trial Sales Templates

SalesLoft Walkthrough

Hey {name},

Hope you are well. SalesGuy here, with SalesLoft (sales intelligence tool you are testing).

Would you like to connect for me to show you the ins and outs of our software? We would love for you to start Lofting at expert level in no time! How about sometime later this week?


Lets get you lofting, Ryan

Hi Ryan,

Akoma with SalesLoft; I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to reach out and see if a prospecting tool such as SalesLoft might be on your radar? I’d love to learn a little bit more about your lead generation at Attach.

I’d be happy to take you through a high-level overview of our solution and show you some effective ways to find accurate and relevant leads, quickly add them to a list, discover emails and phone numbers, and push that data to your CRM.

Do you have some time Friday or Monday? If so, propose a few times (timezone included).

Any thoughts?

Hi Ryan,

I wanted to reach out one last time and see if Attach has thought any more about implementing SalesLoft?

I would be happy to chat and answer any questions, do you have some time Friday or Monday.

Let's Talk KISSmetrics!

Hi Ryan,

Thanks for setting up your KISSmetrics account! Are you available for a quick chat to discuss KISSmetrics best practices to make sure you are getting the most out of your trial period?

Please let me know when you are next available and we can schedule a call.

Startup Sales Templates

John - my name is Tyler and I'm the CEO of Clever. My company has developed new technology that reduces the time spent doing SIS integrations by 80%.

I figured this might be of interest to you given the new middle school reading software Scholastic just released.

I'd love to get your feedback even if you're not in the market for this right now. Do you have 20 minutes this week? It looks like I'm open Tuesday at 1 or 2pm ET if either may work.


Looking for advice


I'm a first time entrepreneur and I just started to build my product. I'm looking for experts in this space and several of my friends pointed me in your direction. So I was hoping you could give me your feedback before I spent too much time building something that nobody wants :)

Here's my idea: I have a crawler that crawls millions of websites daily and can see who started a free trial with Mixpanel almost instantly. Do you think information like that would be valuable for somebody like KISSmetrics or I'm just wasting my time here?

Thanks in advance!


Other Sales Email Templates

Viewing content alert (e.g. opened an Attach link)

Re: [same subject]
Hey {name},

Last time we chatted, you requested that I get in touch in November. I may be a month early, but I figured it’d be worth checking in.

Have you given any additional thought to the proposal? I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone and answer any pending questions.

When’s a good time to talk?

Responding to a request to match competitors pricing

Subject: Re: demo follow up

No worries... the short answer is no, we aren't able to compete on price against FooCorp.

The FooCorps of the world have spent a couple of decades now in a race to the bottom and it shows. I have no doubt you can get their product (or a whole raft of others) for a few bucks cheaper than us.

Our product, Acme, is different. We're designed to help improve your company's performance in the critical area of XYZ. The ROI on doing that is enormous.

Now, not every organization sees the value in investing in XYZ. I get that. But if yours does, Acme is one of the most leveraged investments you can make.

Assume HelloSign does 5-6 transactions in the [XYZ field], that's going to run 300-600k per year (so figure this is a $1-2MM investment over 3 years). The value of each transaction will be maybe 2-5x that if they're done well, whereas a bad one we know can actually destroy value.

On the cost side, great transactions churn over at less than half the rate of low-performing ones - which means if you do a better job at XYZ, you'll save 10's of thousands in new transaction costs as they stay longer. And on and on....

So ultimately if you think Acme will help you do this better - even just a little bit - the whole thing is peanuts. The cost difference between our product and the others, even less.

Look, FooCorp's customers are switching to Acme in droves because we're investing heavily in great customer service and innovation. Those things cost money but, as we see above, they drive tons of value so the market is happy to pay.

We'd love to have HelloSign on board as a customer and I'd be happy to have another chat with you or them if you think it would be useful. Let me know!

Sequence Sales Email Templates

Sales Sequence Template 1

First Email

How to import targeted professional social network leads straight into your {company} CRM


I’d like to discuss your lead gen efforts. We’re helping other {industry} companies collect their prospects straight from professional social networks and import them directly into their CRM (adding phone numbers and email addresses).

Quick question: can you put me in touch with whoever is responsible for new prospecting and revenue-generating tools at {company}?

Second Email

Re: [same subject]


Predictable Revenue author, Aaron Ross recently wrote this article: How Email Marketing Company WhatCounts Added an Extra 26% To Their New Sales Growth Rate In One Year (+ Their Favorite Sales App: SalesLoft).

I’d love to help you uncover whether you could do the same. How about a short call so I can understand your revenue objectives at {company} for {enter timeframe}?

Third Email

Re: [same subject]


I have tried to reach out a few times over the past week to go over your lead generation / prospecting strategies at {company}. I have not heard back from you and this tells me a few things:

1) You are all set with your current prospecting / lead gen strategies at{company}, and if that is the case please let me know so I will stop bothering you.

2) You are interested but have not had the time to respond.

3) You are being chased by a hippo and need me to call for help.

Please let me know which one it is as I am beginning to worry...

Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sales Sequence Template 2

First Email

Hi Drew,

My name is Jerry and I am the founder of Shipping Company. We work with organizations like Sears and Target to hold FedEx and UPS accountable. We track all your shipments, identify those which have been delivered late, and file claims on your behalf. You only pay when packaging tracking is credited to your account.

What would be the best way to get 15 minutes on your calendar to explore if this would be valuable to Company?


Second Email

Re: [first subject]

Hi Drew,

I'm sorry to trouble you again. At my company, Shipping Company, we give you real time visibility of all shipments, identify those which have been delivered late, and obtain package tracking on your behalf.

You pay for performances so if we don't save you money we don't get paid. Who would be the person to speak to about this at Company?


Third Email

Re: [same subject]

Hi Drew,

Wanted to make sure you got my earlier message. I'd like to learn about the pains of package tracking at Company. If you are the appropriate person to speak with, what does your calendar look like earlier next week? If not, who do you recommend I walk to?

- Jerry

Sales Sequence Template 3

First Email

Appropriate person
Hi {name},

I'm trying to figure out who is in charge of [leading general statement] there at {company}.

Would you mind pointing me towards the right person please, and the best way I might get in touch with them?

Thank you, 
Looking for best [insert job area where you'd like to start] contact


I am doing some research on your company to determine if there is (or is not) a need for [insert your strongest pain point].

Could you please help me by pointing me to the best person there for a brief discussion?

Second Email

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I didn't hear back from you last week when I was looking for the appropriate person managing your [statement]. That's not a problem.If it makes sense to talk, let me know how your calendar looks. If not, who is the appropriate person?

Third Email

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I have tried to get in touch with you to see if there is a mutual fit between our companies expertise and your goals around [statement].

If you are not interested or there is another person you would like me to follow up with, please let me know.

Would it make sense to invest 5-10 minutes to determine if there is a mutual fit between your [statement] and our expertise? If not, who do you recommend I talk to?

Fourth Email

Re: [same subject]

Hi {name},

I’ve reached out a few times regarding your sales prospecting strategies there at {company}. My guess is that we're out of touch for one of three reasons:

- You don't see a fit

- You have another solution to create predictable outbound prospecting numbers

- You are secretly a superhero and have been too busy fighting crime to reply

If any of these are correct then they may be the exact reason why we should talk now...

Sales Sequence Template 4

First Email

Revenue Growth
Hi {name},

My name is {salesrepresentative} and I’m with {sendercompany}, a [what you do].

We’ve worked with venture backed startups to Fortune 500 companies like [companies you've worked with].

We take a different approach to growing companies and aren’t like [other companies in a competitive niche].

We move quickly and if we don’t think we can kick butt for you, we’ll be upfront about it.

Are you free for a chat this week or next about marketing? If so, please pick a time slot here: [link to book a meeting using]

Second Email

Growth initiatives


I wanted to see if you had 5-10 minutes to connect re: [what you do]. We’ve been able to generate solid revenue for our clients and both are still fairly untapped.

Can you point me to the person that handles this?

Third Email


Hi {name},

We recently helped a startup [insert result] by [what you do]. Can you point me to the person that handles [what you do] to discuss further?

Fourth Email

Scaling customer acquisition


One of our clients was able to [improve metric by number] at half of their target cost per acquisition number. Is this something that might interest you right now?If so, can you point me in the direction of the person that handles this?

Fifth Email

Are you ok?


I reached out previously regarding WHAT YOU DO and haven't heard back from you yet.

This tells me a few things:

• You're being chased by a T-rex and haven't had time to respond.

• You're interested but haven't had time to respond.

• You aren't interested.

Whichever one it is, please let us know as we're getting worried!

Inbound Sales Email Templates

Hi {name},

I noticed that you recently visited our {Page or Blog Post}. I wanted to quickly check in and make sure that you were able to find the resource you were looking for?I also thought you might find these additional resources helpful:

- {link to helpful resource}

- {link to helpful resource}

I actually also took a minute to look at your company, and I thought you might be interested in how your current performance compares to the industry benchmarks that we regularly see. Would you like to talk tomorrow at {insert 2 times you’re available}?
YES! Millennials can sell.

Hi {name},Thank you for signing up to test drive Kapost. I recently read your blog post "Can Millennials Sell?"

As a millennial myself, this specific line really resonated with me, "Juxtapose this against your average Gen X salesperson who still speaks lovingly of the Blackberry's tactile keyboard, who maintains maybe just 1-2 social properties, and who prefers the face-to-face meeting to the digital one." My dad is a successful salesmen who is still using a Blackberry and scheduling in person meetings, ha!

My role here at Kapost is to see if I can answer any questions for you about Kapost, or clarify anything about our platform after taking a Test Drive.

Please let me know if I can provide you with any additional resources.

{name of downloaded ebook}

Hey {name}

Whats going on?I saw that you downloaded our {ebook / whitepaper / guide} -- I hope that you enjoyed it or soon will.

If I can be of any help at all, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Take care
{mytitle} @ {mycompany}

PS: just connected on Linkedin

Best Subject Lines For Sales Emails

Ben, loved your tweet yesterday

Ben, love what you guys are doing at Datanyze

Appropriate Person?

Right Direction?

Quick Question?

[Mutual connection] recommended I get in touch.

Ideas for [thing that’s important to them]. 

Question about [recent trigger event]. 

Question about [a goal they have]. 

Thoughts about [title of their blog post]. 

Have you considered [thought / recommendation]? (not your service!) 

(Name), quick question for you. 

[Referrer] said you might be able to answer this question.

Opening Lines For Sales Emails

I noticed you ...

[Mutual connection] mentioned ...

I Saw that we both ...

I loved your post on ...

Congratulations on ...

Sales Proposal Email Templates

Hello  {name}

How would you like to cut your printing costs by more than 60 percent per month? Give us a few days of your time and will show you how.

Will review every facet of your current system and analyze its strengths and weaknesses. Well look at a comparison of costs for the other businesses of your size and provide a comprehensive report of short and long-term actions that will generate substantial savings for your company.

The enclosed proposal outlines are the details of what well we do and how successful we’ve been at doing this for other businesses. In fact, we guarantee you’ll save no less than 10 percent per year savings as a result of our efforts.

I’ll meet you after you’ve had a chance to review our proposal.

Hi {name},

My name is {name}, and I am a business development manager with {company}. My objective in sending this email proposal is to decrease the cost of {company} nightly cleaning service by 15% using only direct hire labor. We can do this within 60 days of proposal acceptance.

Here’s how the transition would be implemented:

First, we will hire the labor to work in all 36 Georgia stores within 30 days.

Within 60 days, we will deliver on nightly cleaning services, including scrubbing and buffing floors, high dusting, and polishing fixtures. We will do this overnight, seven days a week, and {company} will have access to a customer service line available for them to dial into at any time if there are issues. I will be your main point of contact throughout this process.

We believe this will solve the issues you discussed in our meeting. First, you said you were concerned with ensuring quality standards are met, but you also want to reduce costs. We are offering our services for $300 a day and will continue services on an ongoing basis.

Thank you for your time. I will follow up in one business day if I haven’t heard from you sooner.

Discount Offer Email Templates

Hi {name},

Thanks so much for being a loyal {company} for all these years! To show our appreciation, we are pleased to offer you a discount on any design work you need help with before the end of the year. To claim this offer, just hit “reply” to this email before Oct 31 with any work you need before year-end and we’ll take 30% off when we send the final invoice. It’s our way of saying: Happy Fourth Quarter!

Wishing you all the best.

PS: You know how busy it gets around Q4 which means, we can’t offer this discount after Oct 31 (even if we want to) so be sure to hit “reply” right away and we’ll get you on the calendar. Cheers!

Hello {name},

We are happy to announce a 25% discount on our brand new unisex jewelry accessory range designed by the leading experts of {company}. This range is absolutely available at leading retail outlets, or you can also buy online at our site {website link}. On every online purchase, you can avail of free shipping to your address. For more information, find the attached brochures which will help you to understand the different plans available for this unique & interesting collection.

Furthermore, you can enjoy one on one offer on every purchase worth $200. Our exclusive range of accessories and jewelry is liked by the masses for its fashionable designs and durability. Do not miss the golden opportunity to make these trendy accessories yours!

Your queries and questions will be sorted out by our customer support team as on the given number:

Hi {name},

For limited time, we’re offering 50% off all annual plans for one year so you can access advanced features that will help you grow your business.

Get the word out - advertise across major marketplaces including  {company}

Get sales - offer coupons and discounts

Get found - take advantage of enhanced SEO to target found on search engines

Get support - all paid plans offer live chat and email support

Be sure to click “apply” next to the coupon code when you place your order to confirm your discount. All plans include live chat support with our customer success team to maximize value, This special deal ends this week. Take advantage of these features right away to get the most from your online store!

This offer is for free users upgrading to any  {company} paid plan.

Persuasive Sales Email Templates

Hello {name},

I took a quick look at your website and I immediately thorough of a case study that we recently published. In the article below, you can learn how one of our customers, {company}, has begun using {company} to automate her lead generation.

Essentially, she’s now able to focus on her hot leads, while placing the “Zombie Leads” (those leads that fill out a form but are kind of just kicking the tires) into an automated lead nourishment campaign. She’s estimated it’s saved her 8 hours a week, so I’m sure it could save you some time as well!

Save time with automated lead generation

I’d be happy to help strategize how our lead scoring could work for you. Do you have 15 minutes tomorrow between 9 and 11 am CST? If that time doesn’t work, feel free to use my calendar here: {calendar link}

Either way, I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Hello {name},

Thank you for your interest in replying. I’d be happy to jump in on a call to give you an in-depth review of our platform. Let me know how the time works, and I’ll send you a calendar invitation. Meanwhile, can you answer these questions to help me better understand your situation so that I can present the call accordingly:

How are you currently promoting your email and what are the challenges you want to address?

How are you currently receiving your potential emails? Are you looking for a single account or multiple users?

How many contracts are you looking for each month?

Hi  {name},

I read your fantastic blog post about product descriptions on {company}, and I wondered—do you have copywriting clients who own eCommerce stores?

I’d love to introduce you to our new Awesome App. This App helps eCommerce owners [fill in a serious benefit]

Sounds interesting?

Please reply to this email and I’ll set up a quick demo at a time most convenient for you.

Sales Introduction Email Templates

Hi {name},

Your website’s design is absolutely brilliant. The visuals really enhance your message and the content compels action. I’ve forwarded it to a few of my contacts who think could benefit from your services.

When I was looking at your site, though, I noticed a mistake that you’ve made re: search engine optimization. It’s a relatively simple fix.

Would you like me to write it up so that you can share it with your web team? If this is a priority, I can also get on a call.

Hello  {name},

In working with other {industry}, one of the key issues they’re struggling with is {key issue}.

This past year we helped numerous companies to {business driver}, resulting in {money saved, revenue, added, productivity increase}.

If this is something you’re challenged with too, let’s set up a quick call. I have some ideas that might help.

All the best.

Hi {name},

What would it mean to your top-line revenue if you saw a 70% increase in contract rates, 50% improvement in closes and a 40% increase in quota-hitting sales reps?

Let’s find a few minutes to talk about how {company} is providing these results to our clients.

I’m available tomorrow {insert time you’re available}. Can we sync up?

Cold Email Best Practices

  • Don’t unconsciously ruin your ability to close a sale by talking too much about you. Your email should revolve around the prospect.
  • Keep the body of your email short with content that is relevant, interesting, and mobile-friendly.
  • Use language that's conversational.
  • The smaller the ask, the easier to answer.
  • Follow up. Then send follow-ups to your follow-ups — so long as you’re not crossing into email spammer territory.
  • Make use of the outbound email automation tools and integrations available to optimize your process.
  • BUT be sure to prioritize sales metrics that matter. Certain vanity metrics can help gauge top-level engagement but sales goals should be measured against data that falls deeper down the funnel.
  • The more personalized, the better. Numbers have shown, for example, that you can increase email open rates by as much as 20% when simply using a recipient’s name in the subject line. And for even more customization, consider catering your pitch based on a prospect’s role at the company.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you write a sales email?
First, be creative in writing the subject line. Do the research and personalize your message but keep it short and sweet. You should express that you know who the recipients are, and what they are frustrated with. Close out your email with simple questions that lead to further discussion and engagement.
2. What makes a successful sales email?
3. Where can I find sales email templates?
Erika Desmond
Erika Desmond

I bring 7 years of graphic design experience with 2 years of marketing experience from on the job training and experience. I've helped build Cirrus Insight into the company it is today from my start as a graphic design intern while earning my degree at Maryville College. Growing alongside Cirrus as a company has been an especially rewarding experience.

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